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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 521

Matilda and Yvan locked eyes through the window for what felt like an eternity. With a frown creasing her brow, Matilda suddenly yanked the curtains closed, cutting off all outside view and connection.

That night, the enigmatic and romantic city of Whty City was blanketed in snow, continuing relentlessly until dawn. When they woke up the next morning and drew back the curtains, they couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

It was as if spring had arrived overnight, transforming the world into a blossoming orchard of pear trees, except it was all snow. The snow had stopped, but it hadn't melted. Under the sunlight, it sparkled, a dazzling sea of white. Matilda took Logan outside for a stroll, and the boy, having never seen so much snow in his life, scooped up a basin full of it to bring back home, even storing it in the freezer.

Later, when Godfrey got up to make breakfast and opened the freezer, he almost burst into laughter.

"Who decided to freeze a whole basin of snow in our fridge first thing in the morning?"

Godfrey's eyes crinkled with amusement as Logan blushed, admitting, "It was me!"

"You're a genius... If you love the snow that much, why not just play in it? Why bring it home and freeze it?"

Godfrey chuckled, "Want to eat snow?"

"I was worried it'd melt, and who knows when we'll see it again," Logan explained earnestly, "So I thought we should save some!"

Storing snow in the freezer was definitely a first for Logan.

After breakfast, Godfrey couldn't resist joining Logan for more snowy fun outside. When Matilda finished her work on the computer, she saw Godfrey and Logan come back covered in snow, with Logan hiding a handful in his jacket.

Matilda laughed, "You two went out to play again?"

"Yeah, yeah." Logan beamed, "But we didn't see Yvan this time."

Yvan's car was still buried under the snow, likely going nowhere. He probably wasn't even around.

That afternoon, Yvan was woken by the hotel's phone, the receptionist's gentle voice inquiring if he wished to extend his stay as his checkout time had arrived.


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