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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 524

Matilda was stunned into silence.

For a few seconds, she didn't make a sound. Then, with a sharp slap, she hit the man across his face. Orson, caught completely off guard, was jolted awake from his dreams—awakened by a slap.

Matilda wasn't harsh with her blow, perhaps it was just a gentle warning, but Orson snapped to attention quickly. The fog that had clouded his gaze vanished in an instant, leaving him staring at Matilda with clear eyes.

It felt surreal to Matilda.

Just a few days ago, she had been chatting with Chloe about Orson's mysterious disappearance, and now... now, on the eve of the Lunar New Year of all days, he had magically appeared in her house!

And in her bed, no less!

Was she dreaming?

Matilda pointed at Orson. "Who are you?"

Orson glanced at Matilda. Even without his glasses, he bore a striking resemblance to Gideon, but his gaze was entirely different.

There was a coldness in Orson's eyes, not the kind of aloof decisiveness you'd see in a high-ranking executive like Yvan. Orson seemed almost inhuman, his demeanor as cold and mechanical as a robot.

"Do you not remember me?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. Hadn't his informant told him that Matilda's memory had returned?

Matilda was sure now that the man before her was indeed Orson, but... how and why had he appeared here?

Reading her puzzled look, Orson gestured towards the French doors of Matilda's bedroom. "I climbed in."

Matilda fell silent, remembering that Orson did indeed possess some extraordinary skills. The last time, he had jumped from her high-rise hospital window unscathed.

A parkour enthusiast, perhaps?


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