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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 540

Don't look back, never look back...

Gunshots, chaos, the metallic tang of blood filling the air, screams echoing endlessly. Yvan pressed Logan's head to his shoulder, his voice trembling, "Don't look!"

"Orson..." With his vision blocked, Logan leaned on Yvan's shoulder, his childlike voice heart-wrenchingly pleading, "Survive... for the promise we made, you have to survive..."

Orson was shot, the same spot near his waist re-injured. He coughed up blood, his face ashen but managing a weak smile, "Okay..."

A cold blade swung towards him. Orson narrowly avoided being stabbed, the knife grazing his cheek before embedding into the wall beside him, leaving a fresh cut across his pale face.

Pain surged, he gritted his teeth and groaned softly.

"It seems you really care about that kid and that woman..."

Chad emerged from the shadows, using the tip of his boot to lift Orson's face. "You know, people like us, we can't afford to have feelings..."

"Because feelings will be our undoing." Chad's smile was vicious, his teeth clenched. "The moment you care for someone, you've shown your weakness, your Achilles' heel... And if you can't protect them..."

Chad's laugh was arrogant. Police sirens could be heard below, but he was not afraid. Destroying Orson, regardless of the consequences!

"Quick, bring back the woman and the kid who just ran away!" Orson ordered fiercely, surrounded by countless bodies. This brazen battle, lawless. Orson gasping for breath in the corner, his gaze fierce.

"Ah, just mentioning that woman gets you looking at me like that."

Chad laughed, as if relishing the torment of Orson, slapping him across the face. "Her name's Matilda, right? Orson, you're quite the optimist, thinking Matilda can't live without you!"

Orson's pupils dilated in shock. Impossible, he had someone switch all of Matilda's records. How could they have found out...


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