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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 46


Grandfather Albert insisted that Sara should meet his Grandson so she had to agree because they needed their help.

What could go wrong with just meeting anyway? That’s what she thought.

She just didn’t understand one thing. Why did Grandfather Albert wanted her to meet his Grandson? She guessed, she would find out once she met him.

A week had passed since she talked to Albert Alexander. She was busy with Alexander project since then and Albert Alexander had never called her for the meeting with his Grandson.

During this week, Silas didn’t return contrary to Sara’s expectations. She felt his absence deeply.

Her heart ached. She could feel the itch in her mind. She wanted to see him, talk to him, see him.

But, he was nowhere.

Where did he even go? It was like Earth Split open and hid him inside.

“ You called me, Ma’am? ” Liam entered her office after knocking on the glass door.

Sara snapped out of her trance and glanced at him. “ I want you to look for Silas. ”

Sara didn’t know how she even said this, but she was getting worried for Silas now. She had even given up on her ego and she had called him for at least ten times, but his phone was switched off.

She regretted fighting with him now. If she knew he would disappear like this, she would have never even opened up her mouth to say anything to him.

It was not long since Sara and Silas got married but she thought about him all the time. She didn’t want him to leave. Saying that she would divorce him was so easy for her but she had secretly admitted in her heart that living without Silas was a little hard or maybe too hard.

She had gone back to her usual routines without him. Not eating for whole days or eating so much that she ended up vomiting. She couldn’t sleep either because she was scared and lost…

“ Look for him? Why Ma’am? Is there something wrong? ” Liam questioned Sara who was once again zoning out.

He had noticed the changes in Sara. She had deep dark circles around her eyes and she looked tired all the time. She was also thinking a lot these days. It took a lot of time to grab her attention too.

She was failing in handling the huge Alexander project. She had lost her focus.

Sara Lexington had never let anyone bring her down but now she was bringing herself down by doing mistakes here and there.

“ Uhmmm…Everything is alright. I just can’t reach him. Find him somehow. ” Sara cleared her throat and spoke after thinking it through.

“ Okay Ma’am ” Liam knew something must have happened between them. She was lying but he didn’t think it was necessary to question her.

“ Good. Find him. ” Sara waved her hand in the air and looked down at the open file in her hands. She had been trying to read it for half an hour now but she couldn’t even go through a single line.

Liam turned around to leave when she stopped him again. “ And don’t tell anyone about this, Liam. ”

“ Sure, Ma’am. ” Liam nodded curtly and marched out of Sara’s office.

Sara dropped the file on the table and sighed out heavily.

“ I hope you are fine… ” Sara whispered to herself fearing something might have happened to him.

Suddenly, her phone which was placed on the table in front of her, started ringing and she leaned in to see the caller Id.

Mr. Daniels.

Sara heaved a heavy breath and picked up the call, knowing well what it might be about.

“ Mr. Alexander wants you to come to Hotel Lilith by 8 in the night. ” He informed Sara after the humble greetings.

“ Sure. I will be there. ” Sara spoke tiredly and hanged up the call.

She was too tired for this. She didn’t want to know that DEVIL or anyone at all. She just wanted to see Silas.


He was such an asshole. Sara cursed in her mind. How could he just leave her because they were fighting?! Every couple fights but they never leave each other.

She still hated him because he was causing her anxiety. She couldn’t focus on anything because all she could think about was him…

This was bringing her down…His absence.

Shaking her head, she went back to working again.

After an hour or two, a knock sounded on the door of her office again.

“ Come in. ” She gave permission, still reading the files.

“ You look awful. ” The familiar voice made her look up while her lips were set in thin line.

“ Rowan. What do you want? ” She didn’t know why she was so harsh on him but she never felt good vibes from him.

There was something off about Rowan she couldn’t put her fingers on.

“ I heard your husband is missing. ” Rowan stated calmly and walked to the visitor chair before taking a seat without her permission.

Surprised expressions crossed Sara’s face before she masked them skillfully.

Liam. Only, Liam knew.

Bloody traitor.

Sara though about this and it made some sense to her.

Liam had known everything about her. Where she went, what she did and now she had a hunch how she was caught on the worst moments.

Liam snitched on her. She pursed her lips and frowned deeply.


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