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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 45


Silas really left.

Sara thought about this for the whole night as she sat on the couch in the living room waiting for him to come back.

He never returned.

So, it meant he really left. He was not throwing an angry tantrum.

Sara was supposed to feel happy or at least relieved, but she felt anxious instead.

Where was he? Where did he go? What was he doing? These questions kept her mind occupied all the time.

When morning sun began shining in the sky, she got ready to go to the office, hoping that Silas would eventually come back.

When she reached her own office, there was media blocking the entrance everywhere.

Camelia had really caused some major problems for everyone. Sara was supposed to be happy about this too but she felt too numb.

For her whole life, she had wanted to see them all crumbling down one after another and when one of them was down, knocking over the biggest support pillar, she didn’t feel anything at all.

Finding her way inside the building with difficulty, Sara met Liam who was waiting for her.

“ What is it, Liam? ” Sara questioned him, absentmindedly.

“ A huge scandal. The shares have dropped. We are in crises. The only thing which can revive everything for us is the Alexander Construction project Ma’am. ” Liam repeated the same lines which Rowan had told him earlier.

“ I know, Liam. ” Sara shrugged off and walked past him to go to her office.

“ Alexanders are threatening to cancel the deal because they don’t trust us anymore. ” Liam revealed further and Sara’s feet froze on their spot.

She whipped her head around. Was she supposed to feel happy or angry about it? She didn’t know.

She didn’t want this Lexington Group of Companies to go down like this. She wanted this Corp to reach it’s peak before dropping to the ground so all the Lexington family could feel the pain in their bones. If this corp. goes down now, Lexingtons would still live in luxury and harmony and Sara didn’t want things to go like this.

“ Fix a meeting wit- ” Sara started but Liam cut her off. “ The meeting is already set. You have to meet Albert Alexander in an hour. ”

“ Albert Alexander… ” Sara whispered the name to herself. He was the one who took Alexanders to this height today.

Albert Alexander hardly ever met anyone and made appearance anywhere. Why would he meet with Sara? She wondered.

Was there something wrong with that mysterious CEO? Mr. Devil…

She should have at least asked his name when she met him but a person who never let her see himself would never tell her, His name.

“ Okay. Prepare whatever is needed. ” Sara stated in a trance and went to her office.

As she found herself in the confines of her office, she breathed out. Her mind began thinking about Silas all over again.

She took out her phone from her bag and checked the notifications. He never called her or texted her. She looked up at the ceiling, closing her eyes.

Should she text him and ask if he was okay? She bit her lower lip thinking about this.

She sighed out tiredly and threw her phone back in her bag before heading out of her office.

What was she even doing in there? She didn’t need anything from there. Sara’s mind was not working properly, she concluded and went back down where Liam was, once again, waiting for her arrival.

Taking him with her, she went to the Alexander Constructions.

Fortunately, they were on time.

Just as they came here, Mr. Daniels met them again and took them to the top floor where she had met that Devil.

This time, an old man was sitting in that conference room and the whole room was lit.

“ Sara Lexington. ” The old man took her name as soon as he saw her and Sara gulped down her saliva.

“ Sara Alexander, Sir. ” Sara corrected him impulsively, but when she realized what she just did, a cold wave of shock hit her.

“ Hmmm. ” Albert Alexander hummed thoughtfully and signaled from his hand for her to take a seat.


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