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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 51


“ Marry me! ” Sara had said this to him out of nowhere as they both sat side by side on the two swings.

The kid with light brown eyes had choked out on his breath. “ Why? ”

“ Because you are my first and last friend. I will wait for you to grow up, I will wait for you to come and marry me. ” Sara had explained to him and he had promised to come to marry her when he got old enough to marry someone.

They both promised to never leave each other but when Sara’s mother died such an unfortunate death, she lost every good memory with everyone. She still remembered him though. For a little while, she remembered him, but by the time she went to meet him again, he was gone from the orphanage.

Where did he go? She had asked this to everyone but no one knew. He just disappeared and she didn’t even know his name. This filled her up with more hate. People always lied and their promises were a way to use others, she had started believing with time, because he never came back.

She was filled up with hate and hate only. The heart which accommodates hate, could never let any good emotions stay in it. That was what happened to her.

Forgetting all good thoughts, memories, promises…Sara only worked as a robot to get back at Lexington Family.

Sara broke out of her chain of thoughts and sighed out. It seemed like, he never really forgot her.


With time, feelings and memories fade away. Sara’s feelings and memories about that one and only friend had faded away. It didn’t matter anymore.

Only present mattered. Past and Future were irrelevant.

“ Why didn’t you tell me? ” Sara narrowed down her eyes as she scoffed.

“ You are not the same anymore. I thought you didn’t remember. ” Silas smiled awkwardly.

He regretted telling this to her. Was she going to hate him because he didn’t return for the longest time?

But he had an explanation for not returning. She never told him, her name. He never asked either.

Her Grandfather Albert had kicked his father and mother out of their house because his father had gotten involved in gambling, money laundering and many crimes. Grandfather Albert vowed to never see his son’s face again. He wanted Silas to stay but his mother took him with them.


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