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Genius Doctor's Fifth Young Miss novel Chapter 659

Misty Cloud TranslationsMisty Cloud Translations

You Yue? Ge Lang witnessed Sima You Yue spit out blood. He wanted her to stop, but she raised her hand.

Im okay. She wiped the blood on the corners of her mouth and continued to pour her divine sense into the dantian of Ximen Feng.

Fenger , you forgotten. Sister has been reborn. We met outside of Shangdong city. Do you remember?

Ximen Feng recalled the meeting. A safe and strange girl housed his sisters spirit.


Fenger, you remember me.

Sister, youre hurt? Did I hurt you? Ximen Feng could hear the weakness in her voice.

Sisters okay. Sister has been waiting outside for you for a long time. But you wont come out. Sister cant see you. Im worried. Fenger, do you want to see sister?

I want to. Ximen Feng eagerly answered.

Sister also want to see you. Can you come out of there?

Ximen Feng looked at his pitch-dark surroundings. Sister, I dont know where I am. I dont know the way out.

No problem. Sister will lead you out. Sima You Yue said. Can you sense sisters position?


Pour out your spirit power and light up the darkness in front of you. Sima You Yue said, Sister will be with you and guide you out.

Okay. Ximen Feng poured out his spirit power in accordance to Sima You Yue.

At the same time, the spirit power in his body was really mobilized again, and he swam his whole body along Sima You Yues consciousness. Under the influence of the medicine power, he enclosed, devoured, and assimilated the aura he met. Although it was very slow, it changed the aura in his body little by little.

Sima You Yue didnt know how long the time outside had passed. She only knows that she must be highly focused on guiding the spirit power of Ximen Feng, and work with him to completely devour the aura in his body and then transform it into his power.

Ximen Feng had been fighting against the darkness. By the time he became consciousness, he knew what he was doing and Sima You Yue was helping himself. He wanted to do it by himself, but he couldnt. He hadnt left the dark environment completely.

A little bit of light, a little more and a little more. When he left the dark environment, he felt that the shackles attached to him were gone, and his eyes seemed to open at last.

Sister. when he opened his eyes, he saw a pale face.

Fenger, youre finally awake she let go of Ximen Fengs face, and fainted beside the bathtub.

Sister! Ximen Feng wanted to stand up and help her up, but he was held back.

Ge Lang grabbed his shoulder. Although youre awake, the aura in your body hasnt been completely refined by you. You stay here and continue. She will be fine.


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