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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire novel Chapter 55


Last day had been beautiful. She confessed to Silas and he did too.

For a moment, Sara forgot about everything but the logic and facts forced her to think about everything again.

The voice definitely belonged to Albert Alexander and what he said was…Terrifying for Sara.

She had to confirm things so she asked her private detective to run a background check on Silas again. His parents did die in an accident and he was in the orphanage but after two years of staying there, he went somewhere else.

There was no record after that. No school. No college. No job. No relative. Nothing.

How could she miss something so important the last time? Maybe, she was drowning in self – pity and she didn’t think things through.

She was sitting in her office right now, thinking about everything as she read the detective’s mail on her laptop.

Her phone suddenly began ringing and she looked at the caller Id. It was the same detective. She picked up the call hurriedly.

“ Your husband left the house half an hour ago, Ma’am. ” He informed Sara as soon as she picked up the call.

“ Where did he go? ” Sara inquired, calmly.

“ Alexander Co. ” He replied and Sara hummed, hanging up on the call.

What was the connection now?...She felt like laughing instead of crying. Silas Alexander made such a good fool out of her that she was impressed.

He was better than her when it came to deceiving people. Did this mean Silas was that Alexander Heir? The same one who often offered her to leave Silas and come to him? Was he testing her loyalty? He was judging her all along like a thing? He wanted to know if she was good enough for him or not?

All kind of questions popped up in her mind one after another, but this time, she didn’t hear her conscious mind shushing them down with the same words…

There must be something else. Silas was not someone like her.

Her grip on her phone tightened before she threw it at the wall. The phone collided with the wall and broke down before hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Liar. Deceiver.

He deceived her from the start. This explained how a peasant like him was at such a VIP club in the first place.

He was the Alexander Heir…Was she not supposed to feel happy that she was not married to some peasant? Was she not supposed to be happy because she was a part of Alexander family?

Sara tried to feel the happiness somewhere inside but found none. She was angry, hurt.

Why did he do this? Why did he lie? Why did he not tell her? Was there some ulterior motive? Did he even love…her? Sara’s breath hitched at the last question which echoed in her mind.

She bare herself to him. She showed him the true her from the start. Even if she was someone horrible, she made sure that he knew…She was horrible.

But Silas…Who was he? What was he? Was he even the one she fell in love with or was he someone else?

Every doubt, every insecurity, every question hurt more than the other. She couldn’t decide what she felt more heartbroken about.

She guessed, she would find out after meeting Silas Alexander – The CEO of Alexander Co.

She got up from her chair, her knees weak. The door to her office flew open and Rowan strolled inside like he owned the place.

“ I am here to give you another chance. ” He announced, his eyes scanning her pale face.

“ I don’t want to see you right now, Rowan. ” Sara waved her hand in the air and sat back down on the chair, her head beginning to hurt as bile rose up in her throat.

“ Too bad. You have to see me. RIGHT NOW. ” Rowan asserted and walked toward her desk.

After placing his both hands on the desk, he leaned in leveling his face to hers.

“ Grandfather is going to hand over the company any day now. ” He revealed to Sara whose ears perked up at the mention of company.

“ How do you know? ” She asked, her suspicious eyes observing his dark orbs.

“ He is sick. He won’t live for long. ” Rowan blinked his eyes, replying robotically.

“ What? ” Sara choked out and shot up from the chair.

Grandfather Magnus was sick? She gulped. She was not worried at all rather she was angry. Was he dying? Was he dying without seeing this place going down? All the goodness was gone from her heart. Good emotions had done her nothing well. They ruined her just like her trust in Silas did. Her heart twisted painfully in her chest.

“ This is the last chance I am giving you, Sara. ” Rowan sighed out and straightened up, his hawk eyes scanning the frown on her forehead.

“ Everything is gone now… ” Sara whispered to herself and turned to Rowan with serious expressions.

“ I am not ever marrying you, Rowan. That’s not possible. ” Sara replied robotically, pushing the bile down from her throat with a hard gulp.

“ Then you will be gone soon… ” Rowan mumbled to himself and backed off.

Sara had to disappear now. Grandfather Magnus didn’t favor her as much as him but he was still doubtful. He gave her a last chance before a final showdown but she chose the wrong option.


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